In light of recent events that have rocked my sense of peace and tested my resilience, I find myself compelled to write further on the subject of what it takes to be a good person. It’s times like these that remind us just how vital it is to nurture our better selves and to engage in actions that uplift not just us but those around us. So, welcome to Part III of our in-depth series, where we’ll go beyond surface-level platitudes to dig into the meaningful, everyday practices that can bring out the goodness in each of us. Let’s get started.


The narrative often portrays humanity as the architects of our own demise, particularly when you look at the various crises plaguing the world today. However, that’s not the full story. Humans also have the remarkable capacity to learn, adapt, and, most importantly, improve. Well, at least those who choose to do so. Our unique capabilities for empathy, collaboration, and innovation can make us agents for constructive change. Whether it’s in the realms of sustainability, human rights, or community welfare, we possess an intrinsic ability to rally around causes and instigate meaningful reforms. Our knack for recognizing inequity, conceptualizing solutions, and mobilizing collective action positions us as not just spectators of our fate but active participants in shaping a more equitable and sustainable world.

Real-life Impact: Consider the rise of grassroots movements (such as Project Baseline) advocating for various social causes—from climate change and racial justice to poverty alleviation. Your involvement in these movements, even if it’s just on a small, local level, plays a part in a larger tapestry of change. For example, participating in a neighborhood clean-up not only improves your immediate surroundings but can inspire others to take action. Your advocacy for social issues can help change policies, shift public opinion, or simply educate those who might not be in the know. When aggregated, these individual acts create a significant societal impact, driving the needle forward on large-scale issues. The potential for one person to make a difference is real, and when multiplied by millions, it’s transformative.


In an era where everything is digital, active listening has become a rare skill both personally and professionally. But its scarcity makes it all the more valuable. Active listening is an art that requires you to be fully present. It means putting down your phone, resisting the urge to interject, and giving the other person the stage. It’s about more than just hearing words; it’s about understanding the sentiments and emotions that come with those words. You’re not just a passive receiver; you’re an active participant in a two-way exchange. This involves nodding, asking clarifying questions, and providing feedback at the appropriate times to show that you are engaged and invested in the conversation.

Real-life Impact: The significance of active listening cannot be overstated. Consider an example in a work setting, where a colleague is struggling with a complex problem. By actively listening, you’re not just helping them feel heard; you’re also more likely to understand the issue deeply enough to offer a constructive solution. Or think about a friend going through a difficult time. Your active listening can provide them the emotional space to vent, making them feel less alone in their struggles. It’s akin to emotional oxygen—profoundly refreshing and vitally important. Feeling heard can elevate a person’s mental well-being, reduce their stress, and, in some instances, be the catalyst for solving problems they’ve been wrestling with.


Being a good person isn’t solely defined by proactive acts of kindness; it’s also deeply connected to the principle of “do no harm.” This means being aware of how your actions—or inactions—could affect someone else and actively choosing the path that minimizes harm to others. This is relevant across a wide range of scenarios, from avoiding gossip and slander, to more obvious forms of harm like physical abuse or manipulation. It’s not just about doing good; it’s about preventing bad. This kind of restraint can be as meaningful as any other act of goodness because it exemplifies a moral awareness and a commitment to the well-being of others.

Real-life Impact: Consider the environment of social media, where harmful behaviors like online bullying can thrive. If you witness someone being harassed or demeaned, the easy route is to scroll past it. But if you take a moment to send a supportive message to the person being bullied, your simple act can carry significant weight. It tells the victim that they’re not alone, and offers them a measure of solace and validation. Furthermore, your active stance against bullying could serve as a model for others, catalyzing a chain reaction of kindness and decency online. Taking the time to be kind in situations where you could easily do nothing is a testament to your character and an example of the ripple effect one good deed can have.


The mantra in today’s hyper-individualistic society often seems to be “every person for themselves.” There is so much more value in choosing to look beyond one’s personal bubble; it’s truly a revolutionary act. Being a good person in this context means balancing your own needs and desires with those of the broader community or even humanity at large. This isn’t about self-sacrifice or martyrdom, but rather a conscious balancing act between individual benefit and collective well-being. It involves making decisions that may not always be in your immediate best interest but contribute to a fairer, more equitable world for everyone. Whether that means speaking out against social injustices, making sustainable choices, or helping those less fortunate, it’s about being a part of something greater than yourself.

Real-life Impact: Imagine you choose to spend your Saturdays volunteering at a local homeless shelter. You’re not just ticking a “do good” box; you’re making a tangible impact on your community. Your presence there provides immediate assistance to those in need, but it goes beyond that. It fosters a sense of community, resilience, and shared responsibility. Those you help may be inspired to give back in their own ways when they are able, creating a virtuous cycle of goodness. Volunteering doesn’t just feed your soul; it nourishes the collective soul of the community, making it stronger, kinder, and more resilient to the challenges it faces.


Compliments and encouraging words may seem like small gestures, but they carry an enormous amount of power. We live in an age where criticism often drowns out praise, where the focus tends to be on what’s wrong rather than what’s right. Flipping that script by being someone who actively spreads positivity can have profound effects, not just on the recipient but also on the broader environment around you. It’s not about empty flattery; it’s about genuine recognition and emotional generosity. A sincere compliment can go a long way in affirming someone’s value, thereby increasing their self-esteem and overall well-being.

Real-life Impact: Consider someone going through a difficult phase, such as grappling with job loss, poor mental health, or a personal tragedy. For them, most days could be filled with self-doubt and negativity. Your kind words can serve as a beacon of hope in their turbulent world. Perhaps it helps them gather the strength to attend that job interview, or seek professional help, or simply get out of bed. The ripple effect can be substantial. For example, the person you uplift may go on to spread that positivity to someone else, who then does the same, creating a chain reaction of goodwill. Ultimately, your seemingly small act of kindness can contribute to a broader culture of empathy and encouragement, one compliment at a time.


Being accountable for one’s actions is a cornerstone of integrity, a quality held in high regard but often in short supply. Good people don’t just make good choices; they also take responsibility for the not-so-great ones. Making a mistake isn’t the end of the world; the true test lies in how you address it. The mark of a good person is not just measured in their ability to celebrate victories but also in how they handle defeats and errors. Accountability means stepping up and admitting when you’re wrong, offering sincere apologies, and most importantly, taking steps to rectify the situation. This isn’t about public image or “damage control”; it’s about doing the right thing for its own sake.

Real-life Impact: Imagine a scenario where an argument erupts between two lovers. One of them forgot an important date, perhaps an anniversary, which hurt the other deeply. Instead of taking responsibility for forgetting, they deflect, blaming a busy work schedule or even pointing the finger at their partner for not reminding them. This lack of accountability escalates the situation, causing more hurt and resentment. Taking a different route by owning up to the oversight, apologizing sincerely, and figuring out a way to make it right could have defused the tension and even strengthened the relationship. Being accountable in this personal relationship would not only resolve the immediate issue but also set a precedent for open communication and mutual respect, critical foundations for any lasting partnership.


In our virtual world of social networks and increasingly isolated living, the physical, “over-the-fence” community has taken a backseat. The old adage “it takes a village” still holds true, but many of us have lost sight of our village—the people who live in close proximity to us, our neighbors. Rebuilding those connections doesn’t have to be a grand gesture; it can be as simple as knocking on a door with a genuine smile and asking, “How are you?” You’d be surprised how much this can mean to someone. It helps rebuild a safety net that modern society often neglects, creating a more interconnected, supportive environment.

Real-life Impact: The importance of this kind of interaction can be truly life-changing for some. Take the case of an elderly person who lives alone and has limited social interactions. For them, the simple act of a neighbor stopping by can be transformative. It not only combats feelings of isolation but could also serve as a crucial wellness check. If they were experiencing any kind of difficulty, whether it’s a medical issue or a household problem, this could be their chance to reach out for help. Your act of checking in on them could have ripple effects, inspiring them to reconnect with others and even check in on someone else. These small, intentional actions restore faith in the idea that community still exists, and they contribute to a stronger, more resilient local network where people look out for each other.


Small actions matter, especially when it comes to sustainable living. While it’s easy to think that individual choices won’t make much difference, the collective power of many making similar decisions can bring about significant change. Opting for a reusable water bottle instead of buying a single-use plastic one, for example, is more than just an eco-friendly choice for one person. It’s a statement about the kind of world you want to live in and support. These small, personal decisions contribute to broader societal shifts by influencing market demand, thereby pushing companies and policymakers to make sustainable options more accessible and affordable.

Real-life Impact: Let’s say you make the decision to start using reusable grocery bags and encourage your friends to do the same. Inspired by your commitment, four of your friends start carrying reusable bags as well, and each of them persuades another four people to join in. Before you know it, what started as a single choice has snowballed into a community-wide practice. You’ve effectively initiated a local cultural shift, and that’s a powerful thing. Your decision to live sustainably could serve as the spark that ignites broader community change, ultimately leading to a more sustainable and responsible local environment.


Goodness isn’t just a human-to-human transaction; it extends to all sentient beings, including animals. Offering a loving home to a pet in need or volunteering at an animal shelter does more than just benefit the animals. It speaks volumes about your own character and the scope of your compassion. Animal welfare is often an overlooked aspect of community well-being, yet animals enrich our lives in countless ways. They offer unconditional love, provide emotional support, and teach us valuable lessons about loyalty, happiness, and living in the moment.

Real-life Impact: Consider someone who has been feeling persistently lonely, whether due to the loss of loved ones, or simply because they’ve hit a rough patch in life. Introducing an adopted pet into this scenario can offer transformative emotional support. It becomes more than just a pet; it turns into a companion, a confidant, and a source of unconditional love. The relationship can lead to a noticeable improvement in the individual’s mental well-being, adding a layer of richness and comfort to daily routines. The pet also benefits by gaining a loving home, making it a win-win situation that adds value and goodness to multiple lives.


Community gardens do much more than just green up an urban area or produce a crop of tomatoes. They are hotbeds of social interaction, learning, and collective responsibility. As patches of shared soil, they can transcend social boundaries, age groups, and even language barriers. They encourage people to invest time and labor into a common goal that isn’t just about individual gain. These gardens become places where community members can share gardening tips, seeds, and even recipes, fostering a sense of unity and mutual respect.

Real-life Impact: Picture a community garden serving multiple roles. It’s not just a source of fresh produce; it’s an outdoor educational center where kids can get their hands dirty while learning about the science of plants, nutrition, and eco-friendly living. It’s a peaceful retreat for adults to break away from the digital world and engage in something tactile and real. It’s an opportunity for seniors to share their lifelong gardening wisdom with younger generations, closing the generational gap. It’s even a safe space where meaningful conversations can happen, where a shared love for gardening opens the door to discussions about community issues, sustainability goals, or even plans for neighborhood improvement. In essence, the community garden becomes an essential thread in the fabric of a community, strengthening bonds and fostering a shared sense of purpose.


In the end, the roadmap to becoming a genuinely good person is intricately etched with the small yet significant actions we choose to take each day. Each act of kindness, each word of encouragement, each gesture of goodwill is like throwing a pebble into a pond. These individual actions may seem inconsequential at the time, but they create ripples that spread outwards, intersecting and amplifying one another until they eventually form a wave of goodness that can sweep through communities, change lives, and even reshape society as a whole.

So never underestimate your power to make a meaningful difference. In a world that often feels chaotic and disheartening, the importance of these ripples of goodness cannot be overstated. Especially now, when compassion and kindness are needed more than ever, your contributions matter. Make your ripple count, not just for yourself, but for all those whose lives your actions will inevitably touch. Go out there and let your ripples be a catalyst for waves of change.

Diana Giorgetti
Diana Giorgetti

Diana Giorgetti is a multiple trauma survivor, author, idea brewer, problem solver, professional freelancer, and web-designer. A graduate of the University of Miami and Nova Southeastern University with degrees in Psychology and Education Law, she is passionate about helping others, scuba diving, and writing (though not necessarily in that order). She lives in Miami, Florida with her two children and three dogs. She is the author of "The Fundamentals of PTSD: A Guide to Disemboweling the Disorder and Reclaiming Your Life," "PTSD & Relationships: A Survival Guide to Love and Be Loved," and "The PTSD Warrior Healing Mindset: Changes in Habits and Routines to Help Retrain the Brain After Trauma," and she's working on her fourth self-help book. You can find Diana's books on Amazon: